Tuesday, March 21, 2006

As you can see, equinox is celebrated everywhere, even in ole' Denham Springs, LA. I would like to announce that those are the first eggs I have ever stood up in all of my 21 years. I would also like to comment on the bizzarre fact that Jason is standing eggs up in Honduras and I am standing them up in Denham Springs. Ironic? Ahahaha! He is living in my life and I am living in his. But soon, SOON it will no longer be my life or his life, it will be OUR life. Hoooooooo!!! Tengo miedo! Aaaaaaagh, son bromas. Que emocion mi amor!


Anonymous said...

Holapoh, Catrachuca! Ey, ya viste la foto de Javi en el blog de Jason? Que masiso! Solo te quería
saludar. Ya pronto empiezo yo mi blog para promover la music. Un hondureño te quiere y soy yo!