Internet? Blog? What is that? Oh yeah, virtual world and place I update people on my life happenings. Once again I find myself with so much to say and little idea of where to start. About five weeks ago David Fuller and his clan came to invade our town and what a welcome invasion it was! We had so much fun! Joy Fuller and Cathy Weber led two African missionary chicks and me in a Bible study of Andrew Murray's "Abide in Christ" book in the mornings and at night
anyone who wanted to came to discuss a book written by Francis Frangipasomething. I can freely say that God worked in each one of us and has begun rooting out thought patterns and struggles in all of our hearts for his good purpose. I thank God for the sweet meetings and the lovely ladies who so willingly opened their hearts to me, giving me love and friendship. Thank you! Many people came and went this past month but it felt as though we are all family. We ate most of our meals together, watched two pretty sunsets (sunsets are scarce during this rainy season) played games, worked hard on the project, and simply enjoyed the life God has created around us. The truck we have been waiting for for so long FINALLY CAAAAAME!!!!!
Yey! It drives like a dream too. That tank gets up the mountain in no time. And I can ride somewhere without worrying about getting dirty the minute I sit down. I can actually wear white again! Yippy. Several teams have come and gone as well and the Lord has continued to bless the project and our lives through their diligent work and willingness to help. As Jason wrote in his last blog ATC held a board meeting for a weekend and we had the privilege of meeting and getting to know many of the dear people who are behind the visions and decisions of what takes place in the organization. It was great fun hanging out with them and showing them the progress of the project. One of the latest teams that came through was desirous of ministering to the community and provided a vacation Bible school for any kids who wanted to come. We held the event at Jason's and my church. Pastor Mario and his wife Cecilia had held a week long kids club a few weeks prior and were a bit discouraged with the turnout. Cecilia said no more than 20 kids showed up total. It was a huge surprise then, to them and to us, when more than 60 people showed up to the team's vacation Bible school! The kids and the mothers that hung around for the event seemed to really grasp the lesson, which was the whole point of the event and I was really grateful for how the Lord moved that day. Mario and Cecilia were very encouraged about the response and are starting to witness the fruit the Lord is producing of their faithfulness to their ministry in this community. Alabado sea Dios!

Jacob needs a hair cut before school starts, when is your next opening????
Um....I'll be around in October. Do you think he could pass under the hair length radar at school until then?
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