I know, I know! I’ve kept you looking at the same post for far too long. Can you blame me though? I’ve been basking in the bliss of going home. Hmmmm….such a word, is this, “home.” It fills me with the warm fuzzies all inside. When I think of home I think of looking up at big, dark
green mountains all around. I think of the warmth and sometimes scorch of the sun, the fact that as soon as you step out of the shower you're drying off water AND perspiration. No, that is not the highlight of my particular home. How about delicious, fresh, wide variety of mostly handmade, hand slapped food? Horchata, banana tropical, te de Jamaica, jugo de mora, naranja agria, mango, rompopo, tamarindo, etc, etc, etc….And those are just some of the drinks! How about the love that does not merely pour but instead gushes out of the people who open their arms wide to anyone who will embrace them? How about their sweet smiles and appreciation for relationships being so strong that they would rather be extremely late to an engagement then miss out on spending time with you…which explains my chronic struggle
against tardiness. Sorry Jason! He sees the worst of it, poor handsome guy. When I think of home, I think of beaches and the smell of coconut bread and cajeta wafting through the breeze. I think of dressing up and firecrackers every Christmas and New Years. I think of music, rain, jumping off waterfalls, handing out candy in poor villages, playing soccer with the guys, cheek kiss greetings, bananas (eeeuw), crazy driving…when I think of home, I think of HONDURAS.
God is good indeed. We had such and amazing time in Honduras for Christmas and New Years! I got to see soooo many people I haven’t seen in a very long time. After New Years I was even able to get together with six of my classmates from the music school I went to in my high school years. It was interesting to see in what ways we have all changed and what is exactly the same about us. Quite the study on character. Even though it was not easy being away from our families during the holidays, the Lord in his grace provided a different kind of family for us to be with, our adoptive family, los Garcia. Oooooh it was SO much fun! Think of one of your most fun memories and multiply it by 13! That’s what a hoot it is being with the Garcias. I spent most of my time laughing my head up and down so hard I really felt it was about to fall off. It’s a common thing to hear “my stomach hurts” when we are together because we laugh so hard. Aaahhh, what a blessing it is to have true friends and
loved ones. In light of that I should never complain about anything, EVER in my life. That alone should be a cause for constant joy in my heart, not even beginning to mention the amazing families we have and especially the attention, love and salvation of the Living God. What can I say? Again I am a blessed girl without deserving and ounce of it, but I’ll take it!
One very important side of the story, however, I want to make you aware of. Remember the first things I mentioned about what makes me think of home? How good and perfect it all seems? The other side of the reality is this: The country is filled with governmental corruption, church politic corruption, lethal crime and social materialism. My heart is full of the joy I experienced while there, and yet heavy with the state of the daily living of the people. So, will I just let my heart be heavy and leave it at that? By no means. Brothers and sisters, we will pray. We will cry out to our Living God and ask that he delivers the Honduran people! When? Well, since you ask, here is what we will do. This Saturday, the 19th of January, if you can, please join us in a day of prayer and fasting for the people of Honduras. We will dedicate the entire day to this. I believe the Lord will hear and bless our prayers on behalf of Honduras. On Friday night I will post a list that other people and I have been putting together of specific things we can pray for. God does not NEED our prayers to carry out his will, and yet he has chosen to establish the prayers of his people as an integral part of his design. Please join us then, and pray for my dear home and dear people…
Thank you for reading so much! Sorry it was long again…hra. That’s what happens when you travel I guess. If you want to see all of the pictures go to this link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=17524&l=6281f&id=500986984
"As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth." Daniel 9:13
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
We'll join you in praying all day for our beloved country.
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