I am rushed, I'm excited, scared, wondering, looking forward, and much much more because tomorrow we are headed for Africa, the land which has never felt my presence. The only thing I know is that God will be there and will do great things according to his great self. That's all I need to know I'm sure, or I probably wouldn't be going! Ahaha. And I'll leave it at that.
Please pray for us, for our safety, our health, and mostly for our hearts that we will be sensitive to the voice and leading of the Lord, that we may share the good news of his love and grace to the people who are so hungry to know him, and that we will love them fully with the love of Christ.....oh and that we won't get bit by snakes, scorpions, spiders, beatles, lions, the scorching sun, amoebas, tape worms, malaria, typhoid, yellow fever, menengitis, hepatitis A and B, and any any ANYTHING else you could think of! May God be glorified in bringing us home intact. Please, please, please! And a little more PLEASE! = )
Ooooooo....I'm scared! No I'm not. Well maybe, but oh no. I'm not. Nope. Not me. I love you guys, all of you. More than my little heart knows how to express. So if I die please make sure I'm buried with pedicured toenails and pretty earrings, and Hanzi, you can have all of my jewelry except for my wedding ring which all of the nieces will have to fight over. And Mom, I guess you can keep my baby books after all to read to the grands. And Steve, if I have any chocolates left over, you can have them, and my violin but only if you learn how to play it. Mark and Yani, you can have my racked up flier miles, and David can have the whole $97 I have to my name, and Dad, I wish I owned some golf balls to leave you, but since I don't, I'll whisper sweet things to you from heaven. Dani, maybe you can have my wedding ring after all so that you can get married already and keep the love of the nieces intact. Ok. I think that covers everything. My love to you all and don;t check back on this glog for about three weeks cause I'll be approx 1000 kil. from ANY electricity...yeah. Yep. Yes. Ciao!
Sarah, I love you and I will be praying for you and Jason and the team. You are going to love it. Hug the Sudanese for me! Can't wait to spend the summer with you and many more whom I love dearly! Joy
Jason and Sarah, you can't imagine the joy it brings to my heart to pray for you, asking God to do His special work in His special way through His special servants. All of the hardships will wane in lieu of the fruit to be harvested.
I love you both so very much!!
sarah! i am praying for you and jason and i can't wait to read about all that God does through you both! Love you!
We're thinking of you and praying for you and the children daily.
What an adventure! Wish I could spend a few days in the bush, too. Surely would miss the hot showers, though. Praying for your safety and health.
Jacinto y Saruka,
Estamos orando mucho por ustedes, por su seguridad, su salud, y sobre todo que en este viaje puedan ver la mano de Dios obrando de una manera especial por medio de sus vidas. Los queremos mucho y nos morimos de ancias por saber como les ha ido.
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