Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sad times...

Yesterday was a sad day in this Smith family...we drank our very last cup of hazelnut flavored coffee. Buuuuu. Now. You might be wondering WHY if we live in the land of coffee we would even want flavored coffee. Just because, ok? It's quite possibly the best invention ever (other than cereal) and I. Love. It. Steve and Marisha brought us some when they came last May and I have slowly been rationing it and savoring every drop. MY question is: if we live in the land of coffee, WHY do "they" not produced the flavored variety?!?!? Huh? Huh? Sigh. Adieu my flavored friend...

Note: Photos acquired form and


Anonymous said...

An expectant mother-to-be drugging my grandson with caffeine? 8>} Actually I am sad for your predicament. Of the few comforts you have in life on the mission field, it truly is sad when you run out of one. Maybe we can send some with Mom when she comes down.


Anonymous said...

Your Grama Hover was a "coffee hound"...I'm talking lots of cups per day. But she always knew when she was pregnant, because then she had no desire to drink it. Guess you don't take after her. ;-}