Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A long day

Well, I’m sorry it’s so late into the night but I did post today. It has been a long, exhausting day. Luka’s left eye has been leaky pretty much ever since he was two weeks old and after several failed eye drop treatments, we finally were able to take him to a specialist in a town an hour away. Since we were there, we knocked out a lot of other errands that needed to be run, including FINALLY getting Luka’s birth certificate. Now we can try and get the poor Cheetah Baby a passport so that his Mamma can renew her visa and tote him along with her. That requires trekking it to the Big City way too many hours and winding road curves away to just apply for the thing, plus his U.S. residency/citizenship, then back to the Big City again to hopefully pick up the passport and be approved for citizenship and the apply for his U.S. passport so that the Wee One can visit his families without having to apply for a visa. Whiew. What lies ahead…..

Luka is learning all sorts of new tricks and delighting us as he goes. Being his parent really does get easier and a lot more fun every day. Check with me again when he learns to crawl, and then, oh no my goodness, walk (squeak) and starts getting into things. My adulation then might be slightly altered. Hummm. Right. Now on to the pictures…

We came home one night and he laid his head on my shoulder. Of course my heart was one big puddle after that.

Lagging Luka glued to the images of Baby TV. As long as he doesn't become a fan of the big purple dino.....

Trying to break free of his bouncy seat

I found him like this the other day. Yes, he can roll from back to tummy now but hasn't quite figured out how to get past his left arm.

I was trying to show you his oh so amazing sitting propped up skills and the moment I took the picture he spit up, smiled and then slumped forward trying to reach for the red block. He became so obsessed with getting that block that all other attempts of getting another picture minus the spit up were eventually abandoned. The end. Oh and doesn't his face (and ears) look like the monkey behind him? The Real End.


Cuentista said...

That picture of you and Luca is beautiful. You are one gorgeous mamacita!

Hanzi said...

Si dan ganas de apretarlo y comerselo a besos, sobretodo en esoso piesitos.
Besitos a mi lindo sobrino.