Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The definition of mayhem is the following: my life.

Or the last few days of my life, at least. Click here to see what we were about, and let's just say that at first the trip was going smoothly, then badly, then horribly, and then it all worked out...after hearing Luka screamingly vent his frustration at being strapped into a car seat for the better part of three days. So fun, let me write you.

Cheery blog post, no? The point of joy is that we are finally home, safe and sound and Luka is snug in his bed...err, crib, being his cute cuddly self again. Poor little tyke. Tukkered out he is.

So in order to brighten up this little post which seems to be suffering in the chipper department, here are a few pictures. Feel free to belly laugh.

They weren't quite sure what to do with the fact that attention on them was divided. Do you sense the slight hostility going on?

What's going on here?

Oh you think this is cute? Ok then! Let us play.

Baby boys these days...can't keep their pants up.
Worst part is they think it's a fashion statement.

The diaper weighed more than the Wee One.

Ooo, see me on all fours?

Monkey business.

Like son like mother...I'm jut imitating him you know. You know.