Monday, March 08, 2010

The needs of our Chilean brothers and sisters are very much still on my mind, but I can't resist putting these pictures up. It has been hot around here lately...and I mean scorching. It is usually about 96 degrees in my kitchen. Every. Day. In light of the heat, I found this little pool for Luka for under $2, purchased it, and dunk him in it several afternoons a week to cool him off. Even if it's for a few minutes. I just wish it was big enough for me to get in too. I could maybe get my toe in, but that might be crowding things a bit.
Oh the Wee One. He is changing and growing so fast, my Momma's heart can barely take it. He will be a year old TOO SOON and I am trying to put together a little party for close friends to come help us celebrate, on top of the fact that I am still trying to hire kitchen/cleaning staff for the Refuge, and open on internet cafe with Jason on Thursday. Please pray for us as we prepare to open...we have a lot to do. But mostly, we want to bless the community and to bring God all glory with whatever takes place in the cafe. Have a lovely week!

He took this leaf and plopped it onto his head

Does it look like a mowhawk Ma?


Magazine pose

O-okay. Pool time's over.


Moma said...

I'm a proud abuela of Injun Luka. Hilarious!

grace said...

Y esa mini piscinita, que linda!! Y Luka esta WOW de lindo!!!

Papo said...

Luka is definitely changing...his little face is so cute. And the pool is just what the weatherman ordered. GREAT photos!!!

Love, Papo

Unknown said...

I love the "mohawk"! It's hard to believe Luka's about to have his first birthday! About this time last year you had a "false alarm" with food poisoning instead of labor--bad memories.....

Now you have this precious baby! For now, Big Guy and I can only wish Luka a happy birthday from afar--We miss you all very much and love to see the pictures of Luka that you are so good about putting on the blog!

J Yale said...

precious! AK and I are enjoying these pics together. We think about y'all all the time and miss you. love ya!