Monday, March 01, 2010

Shaken and Broken

I can't get Chile off my mind. Nor should I. Our friends, our family even those thousands that we don't know need our thoughts, prayers and encouragement. A lot has been shaken, a lot has been broken, but not God's promise to His people:

"Don't fear, for I am with you. Don't be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will uplift you with my righteous right hand."

Here are some of the images that I have found.

Grieving the loss of family members

Can you imagine how overwhelmed they must feel at the destruction?
This is Talca. We grew up walking these streets.

This is Peluhue. They were hit double, quake and tsunami.


The earthquake hit at night. I am sure the rising light of morning revealed more than people wanted to see.

Estatua de la Victoria

As I look at these images, I can't help but remember back in time when I rode my bike across those streets, when we handed out fliers to hundreds of kids in those neighborhoods inviting them to participate in fun Bible school camps, when I ran through the long hallway of our old adobe house, now in ruins, and saw the ripe grapes hanging from the long vineyard in our back yard. I've seen reports of Duao, the country farm my brothers and I would go spend summer days at tromping through cabbage fields and eating nasty cow tounge that Tia Gaby made for us. Duao is gone. Completely shaken and washed up. The big statue of La Plaza de la Victoria has fallen over and broken. The people we love and who were part of our formation as individuals are still unheard from. Oh how I wish we could contact them!

Thompson family: I have heard from Marion Lee who is in Colorado and she reported that her entire family is safe. Praise God! May the news be the same from Talca, Concepcion and we continue to pray.

More than anything...I just I wish I could go back to Chile and encourage and help our family and friends. I wish wish wish...


M said...


When I read your blog, it really hit home to me that we'll never again have the option of seeing that wonderful old house and yard again. What lovely memories and relationships we were blessed with in Chile! I, too, wish I could be there ministering to the needs of our friends and loved ones. May God illumine our minds and burden our hearts in order to use us, at least through our prayers and finances, to meet needs of these precious ones.

grace said...

Prayer. Lo UNICO que ayudara a que personas actuen, ayuden, vayan, sirvan, den, etc.