Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where has she gone, you say?

Oh. Were you coming here expecting some witty, informative, or even entertaining masterpiece of a post? Whelll. I am sorry to disappoint you. The boring truth is...I am tired to the very marrow of my bones. And instead of snoozing, I find myself here trying to write what I know I should but can't make myself think deeply enough to do. Yaaaaawn...
Summing it all up:

* Honduras lost. Unlike most of my fair weathered friends on silly facebook, I still love them and am proud of them for participating in none other than THE World Cup. I'll see you at 12:30 sharp on Monday, mi bello pais, wearing your colors and cheering you on again, just like I did Wednesday at 5:30 a.m. (ok, maybe I hit snooze and it was more like 5:47 a.m. but I'm not confirming that comment).

* Luka picked up a brand new unopened bottle of highly priced olive oil. Within the seconds it took me to react and reach for him, he dropped the bottle, which shattered all over the kitchen floor and left a lake of oil oozing every which way. After securing Luka's feet well away from the glass, we stared at the mess trying to figure out the best way to attempt cleaning it and....the lights went out........yeah. Did I say tired to the marrow of my bones? Oh. Maybe I really meant that every cell in my body is on the verge of retiring.

* The GOP girls are leaving in two days and I am already feeling sadness at the thought of their absence. They are incredible girls! So much fun!

* Father's day is coming up and I am attempting the coordination of a special treat for the amazing (and handsome) father of my Wee One.

* Dad, wish I could make you a gourmet breakfast in bed on Sunday!

* There. I typed something. Now come the pictures.

I told you I might paint my toes with the flag. And I did.

A Wee Helper

Why did we lose, Momma?

Lets go play!

Let's see....who should I pass it to?

Hey baby!

How's the do?

Practicing his passes

Good job buddy!

Being neighborly .
Hey Nacho!

This thing won't go Ma.

Push faster Nacho!

Not too happy about our loss

Off to new beginnings...and games.


Unknown said...

So cute! I love his outfit and his hair--and him, of course. I miss him sooooo much--and you and Jason as well. Let's talk Sunday afternoon on Skype! Mr. Randy and I need a "fix"!

I know you must be exhausted and that it wasn't fun cleaning up the olive oil--such messes little boys can make!

Love you lots! Ms. Ann

Dad said...

The word cute doesn't begin to describe Luka. Flat out adorable is more like it. Ay, mi catrachela! Los pobres hondurenos got thrown into a lion's den of a division in the Cup...but you are is the WORLD CUP after all, and Honduras is in the least for the time being.

Love, Dad

P.S. Happy Father's day, Jason!!

P.S.S. Sarah, I'm glad you won't be able to make breakfast in my bed this Sunday...might get a little warm. 8>}

Chela said...

Ok Dad, SERVE your breakfast to you while you are still in your bed, then. And can I get a break here?! I'm tired as I type! Pthththt! Haha. I love you.

We want to catch up with both our dads on their special day!!! So stay close to your phones!

Dad said...

Of course, I'm only teasing you, Sweetie. I know how hard you work, and I know how dedicated you are to your guys...all of us. Just having a little fun.

Had a 3 hr deacon's meeting last Thurs. night. Marathon to be sure, but very informative and productive. I love being a pastor again. Thanks for your prayers!!!

Love, Dad