I have to say that God has blessed me richly in so many ways. One way in particular that I have been thinking of lately is the diverse places God has allowed me to be that aren't even remotely related to each other. My birthplace, for example, is a great place to start. I was born in a little house in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Honduras is a country I will cherish every day that I breathe. I love the hearts of the people, my culture (quirky in some ways as it may be), the food, the FANTASTIC sights. Everything about it is ingrained in my being. Then of course there is Chile which is extremely diverse in and of itself. To Chile I dedicate mine and my family's sense of humor and our ability to withstand pain. Ahahahaha. I'm just joking. It wasn't that bad. Actually, Chile is where my family developed in awesomeness becaue we had to spend so much time together. I don't have any pics of New Orleans with me right now but I lived there too. I've been skiing the slopes of Park City, and presently I am basking on the beaches of Central America. Yeah....God has blessed my life with diversity, and I thank him. Until next time, chao pescao.
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