PC3 Team #1
Well everyone, hello again. A lot has happened since you last logged in. I will start by praising God for he is GOOD. His presence and power have been clearly evident in the past few weeks with Jason's contracting deals and with our first project team coming down. Having them here was so much fun! Every single person on the team was a blessing to know and spend time with. I hadn't really even considered getting my own hands dirty before the team came, but once the work started I saw no reason why i couldn't jump in and help. 

Well anyway, my point is that the rest of the day we played our hearts out. We went to a waterfall hole where you can jump into the water by swinging off a rope, we went to a beach that felt like a hot tub, Jason learned how to surf by getting up on his first try (doesn't it just make you sick when people are THAT good?!), we went sight seeing, etc, etc... Unlike everyone else I did NOT get to see one monkey, one tucan, and especially not even one sloth. Grrrrr. Yes, I am a bit bitter about that but I will se

O yeah, how could I forget our other near death experience? We went on what I like to call the "Gaston Midnight Jungle Death Trail." One of the team leaders, and no I won't say your name, had the brilliant idea for us to go to a real waterfall at night. How cool is that right? I thought it was a brilliant idea too, and it would have been if the description of the waterfall had been accurate. The description went something like this:
Sarah: Is it safe to go at night?
Gaston (the tour guide): Oh YES! Very safe.
Sarah: Can we drive to it?
Gaston: Yes yes. You drive right to it.
Sarah: So your saying that we can drive RIGHT up to this waterfall, get out of the car and dip our toes right in the water?
Gaston: Absolutely!
So me made our very own diesel torches and went on our way. Lets just say we ended up walking downhill for over 4 kilometers (I have zero clue how far that is, but in my book, it was faaaar, on slippery rocks, red clay, and slick leaves, over red fire ant colonies (yes, they bite), down, down, down...and from there it just gets worse so I'll spare you the details. But Jehovah Jireh got us safely back to the remote town and I am sure that even as I write, people are talking laughingly about the wild midnight jungle experience and how even Gaston was a bit spooked, though he would never admit it.
Ah, life. I love it even with all it's funny quirks, and turns of events. These things bring me closer to my Father an cause me to wonder, especially marvel at his great care for his people.

Lesson of the day: "Quiero ver un Oso Perezoso" is Spanish for "I want to see a Sloth."
Sounds like you guys have had a great week of work, excitement, and wonderful fellowship. Reminds me of the "old days". Also reminds me that I'm much older and glad it is the younger crowd taking on the new projects. 8>) Treasure the moments!!! They are your legacy.
be careful! We want you to come home with all of your fingers and toes! I'm glad ya'll are having fun.
Quien es esa Chela? Comiendo cazuela? Vamos a la playa, que alli ella ha de estar!
I hope you guys come back soon I miss ya'll being around =(....Jaston has been coming up with fun games for us to do on sundays.....It was Awesome getting to talk to you and Jason sunday...
Miss you Bunches
Jaston is Juston's nickname everyone calls him =)
So glad that I found your blog.. I think of you all often and hope you all well. You seem very happy.
Much love - Corey
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