I've taken to making my own bread these days. I have the time to and it's a lot cheaper (not to mention the fact that two of the loaves I've bought here were moldy the next day). Today I'm making coconut bread. I took a machete and whacked the coconut open myself. It was quite an experience but at least now I know that I can open coconuts. It's also nice to be able to get coconuts for free.
If your own tree runs out (which I can't see how we could POSSIBLY eat all the one on our tree) all you have to do is go to the beach and pick them off the ground. Ah yes, the beach life is a dreamy one.

I've also been making jewelry like it's my job. Well, it might as well be because I plan on selling it all to whoever is interested. I already have one pair of earrings on hold by Jason's spanish teacher. Yey! And the other day I was at the beach minding my own business and making some silver and red earrings when a lady sent her daughter over to ask me if I was going to sell them. I didn't have any finished jewelry with me so I didn't get to sell her anything but she really liked the ones I was making. Yey again! So one of these days "when I have time," haha, I'll take pictures of the stuff I've made for all to see. A fun part about all of this jewelry stuff is that we found a tiny, simple little church that we REALLY feel blessed to have found (and that is another story) but the pastor's wife, or the pastoress as they call them here, is trying to learn how to make jewelry and was stuck because she really needed a certain type of pliers. Well I thank God because I happen to have an extra multi-task set of pliers that I don't use. So sometime this week we will be having a learning-how-to-make-jewelry party. Not that I'm great at it or anything but I'm learning as I go too. I've found that it's a fun and maybe productive way to live through the minutes and hours of some of the days.
Oh yeah, the other day Jason and Jonathan found a sweet looking bright green iguana. Jason's blog goes through the whole story more than I care to get into but it was kinda fun in a gross or twisted sort of way to play with it. The green creature was eerily calm. It made me think that at any moment it was going to lash out at me for daring to hold it and scratch my face off. Ahahaha!

This weekend the first building team will be coming in to work on the project! We are very excited and praying that we will all be sensitive and alert to the Lord's will. May it be carried out for his honor and glory! Ta ta for now. I hope you all are well! Much love to you!
Oh yeah: "Es peligroso jugar con iguanas chucas," is spanish for "It's dangerous to play with nasty iguanas."
Your dog is So CUUUUUUUUUTE I wish i could be there to hold I just love dogs puppies are so cute the puppies that live behind us are very annoying and are getting big the pooeple who own them are trying to give them away but have not had much luck. It would be cool to hold the iguana Jason and Jonathan found I'm really glad I can Post on here now
Hey-I'm Jennifer & Joe's friend, Kim and I found your blog through Jennifer's. I think what ya'll are doing is so awesome and sounds amazing! Your blog is so interesting! Your pics are great and we'll be pray'n that you guys are touching many through the Lord's work.
Woof, woof. Saludos desde Gringolandia, tierra de los grenchos, esos conquistadores antiguos que ahora solo descanso quieren, y placer. Pero ustedes no. No, ustedes le estan dando duro y eso es algo muy bueno, contracorriente, algo que les puede brindar mucho fruto a presente y a futuro. Y es para Jesucristo quien siendo Dios, no estimó el ser igual a Dios como cosa a la cual aferrarse. Al igual ustedes, que siendo gringos, no estimaron la posibilidad de descanso, placer, y recreación como cosas a las cuales aferrarse. Adelante en la lucha! Mil besos y abrazos para mi hermanita. Y una patada en el poto a Don Quijote, rey de la noche!
Jua jua jua jua! A ver? Cual de los hermanos mios habra sido ese, comiendo anillitos de los dedos mientras taipeaba? (oye por si las, mandame uuuunospo) Sera el Estibenmelekenheimerst que me tiene una pisquita de envidia? Ajajaja. Jon bromas. Si, Dios es maravilloso con la gracia que nos demuestra. Please ora que le seamos fiel en todo y que luchemos la buena batalla, porque todo no es playa y cocos aca. Hay mucho que hacer para su gloria y honra, y en eso va incluido disfrutar la playa, jeje. No pero en serio. Y te mando muchos besitos y abrazos a vos tambien y a tu esposa y su bella watita puntua.
MIKAELA, I think our puppy would absolutely love you! And the iguana would probably like you too although I wouldn't trust him if if were you...all those scratchy claws and stuff. I'm glad you can comment too!
HEY KIM! It's so cool to hear from you! I never would have thought to have contact with you while in Central America, but I love it! How is your baby doing? She is beautiful! i hope ya'll are doing well.
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