Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Pura Vida"...meaning "Pure Life." That is the motto here. I must say that I am understanding this motto more and more every day. My life has been pretty beachy lately. The other day Jason and I spent the morning at a nearby beach with our 14 yr old neighbor named Jonathan. He's pretty tight and gets along well with Jason. They spend a lot of time together usually laughing at chickens, birds, and bugs, which they proceed to chase. Well anyway, Jason and Jonathan fished the morning away while I sat under a coconut tree and read a book. And a book of my own choosing! For the past four years I haven't read more than two books of my choosing because of all of the text book assignments I had from Seminary. It feels so good to pick up a book and not only want to read it, but to actually have the time to read it! After a while I was a little cramped from my reading position so I pictures instead.

I am so content here. I've always wanted to live near a beach and it seams almost unreal that we do! I'm so grateful to God for giving us this opportunity. It's been interesting to see the things God has allowed us to do and the barriers he has allowed us to cross. A nice American lady who has lived here for 26 years told me during our first week here that our neighbors (Jonathan's parents) aren't friendly and to not expect them to ever talk to us. God is very faithful because in a matter of days we not only spoke to them for hours on end, but were invited into their home to chat and later to watch the Honduras vs. Costa Rica soccer game (which to my chagrin Honduras lost). One day we gave them a bag of coconuts that Jason expertly shucked, and ever since we have been playing the give-each-other-stuff game. Among some of the things we've exchanged have been fresh bananas, a fish that was caught that very day, bread, a sweet thing called "cajeta," cilantro, and today I sent over a plate full of fresh baked sugar cookies with red sugar hearts on them. Oh yeah, Happy Valentine's day, by the way! It's cheesy and all but it is a good excuse to do silly mushy things for your loved ones. Like make heart-shaped pancakes. Good one David! I'm sure Your girls loved it just as much as we loved pancake Saturdays when we were kids and took turns putting red hot candies in our pancakes! Ahahahaha! Ah, sweet memories.
Well, I must go and get ready for our celebration of l' amour dinner which will take place up on a mountain restaurant which overlooks the ocean. We're going early in order to see the sun setting. I know, I know! It sounds like we are basking in paradise, and we are! But don't get too jealous yet because our work is cut out for us and breathing down our necks with how close we are to the impending workload. I hope you are all doing exceptionally well and that you are continually seeking the truth of the Lord. Chao!


Danny said...

aww Sarah, que emocionante todo para ustedes. I'm sooo happy for you. I wish I could go fishing with jonathan too. Jason said he'd take me one day, but my chances are higher to fish with Jonathan than they are with Jason...haha. Love you two mucho mucho!!

Anonymous said...

¡Que simplemente masiso, Sarah! Pura embidiajn siento. Aqui en Springfield se supone que va a subir a 70 grados este viernes. Lo malo es que sin playa, pero ni modo. Me alegra por ustedes. Es un sueño hecho realidadjn. =)

Chela said...

Gracias por las envidias, ajem, los comentarios. Ay, pero lo que completaria mi existencia es si pudieran estar mis queridos familiares aca con nojotros. Que rico la pasariamos! Oramos mucho por ustedes dandole gracias a Dios pro el amor mutuo que nos ha dado y la revelacion de su gracia.

Anonymous said...

Its nice to say hey to you Sarah and not have to go through the middle man(Jason). Its wonderful that you are feeling so at home and enjoying your stay.
Much love

J Higgins said...

te amo