Thursday, November 15, 2007

Salud Felicidaaaaaaaad!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TESSAAAAA!!!!! Aweeee. I wish so badly I could be with you to give you a tight sqeeze hug till your breath is knocked out of you, pull away to smile at you for a second and then sqeeze you one more time. Felicidades!!! Tessa, our sisterness defies all reason and science. We were not born to the same mother, the same Honduran blood does not flow through our veins, and yet I can so easily call you sister without even considering you being otherwise. I would say that so much has happened to unite us in this tight bond, and a lot has, but the core of the matter is that our relationship was formed by our loving wise God who knew the true joy and blessing it would be for us to experience life for him together. You are a beautiful vibrant woman who seeks the Lord and who brings joy and laughter to pretty much any situation in life. I wish that everybody I know could know you and the life you bring to everyone around you. This life you bring is not of your own but of the Lord and THAT is what marks the difference. I love you so so much and treasure the love, friendship, and sisterness = ) you have so readily given me. Oro de que esta estapa en tu vida sea una de paz, crecimiento en la Palabra, y gozo en nuestro Dios Eterno. Besos y abrazos en este dia especial!!!

For my blog readers, I will hopefully (depending on transportation avalability, weather, and internet availability) be posting pictures and writings about our latest happenings. Keep checking either way. It's all coming soon!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sarah Sista Foo!
Thanks so much for your beautiful words! I am blessed to have you as my sister and friend! It is amazing that although we are far away and our lives have taken different direction our sisterness is the least affect by it. I enjoy every time we see each other and are able to have as much fun as we had years ago or just be silent and enjoy the good company of an amazing friend. I love you and hope to continue laughing together!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Gracie!!! Un besote inmenso! And thanks again, for the beautiful words in your blog! I love you!!!