I have an announcement to make and it’s not that I’m not pregnant (this tidbit was meant for
Ellen, Joy, Wendy and Robyn). We have internet IN our HOUSE!!! That statement deserves many more exclamation points but I’ll spare your eyes. If ever been around our little neighborhood then you know the magnitude of joy this brings to us. No more trudging through the mud or rain for thirty minutes in order to get to the internet café so that I can write to you in an oppressively greedy environment what’s been going on in our lives. Ha! PRAISE GOD! He has been so good to us. Our trip to the States United was an amazing, immeasurable blessing. We spent a great week hanging our with friends in Wilmington, NC, a
week preparing for and attending the annual ATC banquet in Roanoke, VA (which turned out to be a sweet time of worshipping God), A week with my big, crazy fun family, a week with Jason’s family in Florida, and a couple of weeks catching up with friends, churches, and errands in Jason’s home town in Louisianer. It was a long trip and we drove around for approximately 61 hours total to get everywhere but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. We Finally got to meet our two new PRECIOUS nieces whom we love so much. It was hard tearing myself away from them. I think one of the hardest things for me in living far away
from family is not being able to watch the girls as they grow and learn about life on earth. I have two nieces in Chile and two in the States. Aww. I love you sweeties! Besitos a todas!
We are finally back, however, in this beautiful tropical country and I must say that this time around I truly feel like I am home. For those of you we did not get a chance to talk with, Jason and I have sought the Lord’s guidance on whether or not we are supposed to stay where we are and he has given us a simple peace that we are to remain until he indicates otherwise. My brother David jokingly says that he has never witnessed a missionary say that they feel God is leading them away from this lush country. Ahahaha. We’ll see about that Dave! We don’t really care where we live. We care about living where God wants us to. So far though I am enjoying his wanting us here. ( =
Don Quijote the dog and Chimi the cat were still alive when we got back. They don’t play together as much as they used to. They probably have a Latin macho complex or something going on, but every once in a while they’ll tumble around until one of them claws too hard or bites too hard and the games come to a peeved stop. They do enjoy eating each other’s food when the other is not looking though. They also know quite well the meaning of the word “no.” We think Don Quijote must be going through some adolescent stage because he has been getting into a lot of trouble lately. Our neighbors and pretty much everyone else in the community keeps chickens
either for meat or eggs. Their chickens then, naturally, are very important for their everyday eating habits and they take very good care of them. Don Quijote doesn’t give a bark for their importance and
has lately developed a knack for chasing them, pinning them down, and ripping their feathers out, not to mention terrifying the poor peckers. Needless to say, the owners of the chickens are not very enthusiastic about this hobby and one has even threatened to get “rid” (as in ending his life) of Don Quijote if it happens again. Honestly I would be upset if this happened to me and we are mortified at his disobedience. The dog is now on a leash schedule which coincides with the times the chickens are out. He’s not very happy about it but we aren’t very happy with his chicken tactics so we’re even.
God has blessed us and been so good to us in every way imaginable. I never feel worthy and the truth is that I’m not, but that only enhances the significance of his Grace. Today I praise him and desire for you the joy that comes with knowing our Creator and Savior.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Home again home again jigitty jig...
Spanish lesson of the day: “Don Quijote esta castigado” is Spanish for “Don Quijote is in time out.”
Posted by Chela at 2:02 PM
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