Thanksgiving in the tropics is a bit different and a lot more challenging to cook for than in the States. The best turkey I could find weighed 8lbs and cost $50. Let’s just say we had roasted chicken, because we did. No pumpkin, cranberries, yams, sweet potatoes, or cornmeal was to be found and so I improvised and made white bread dressing, scalloped pineapple, Irish potato
casserole, zucchini, yeast rolls, and homemade-from-scratch apple pie. I think there was more stuff but I can’t remember now, and some guests brought green beans and a chocolate pecan cake. YUM! We invited two American missionary families and the local veterinarian who was accompanied by his mother and his aunt. It was hot so we set up some tables on our porch and had dinner instead of lunch. The difference is that you don’t sit around rubbing your stuffed belly all day and then get up to sniff out the leftovers at the end of the day. Ha! As far as the cooking challenge, our stove is very narrow and can only cook one food item at a time. Needless to say, the oven was on from 1:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. and the gas tank, which had been full when I started cooking, was emptied. The whole evening was great fun and we
had the opportunity to share with our local friends the origin and significance of a day which we set aside to thank and praise our Lord for his provision. It saddens me to think that many people have reverted to considering it nothing more than “Turkey Day” in which you stuff a turkey, get stuffed by the turkey and snore the afternoon away. There is so much to thank God for….how about, everything!
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree…..yep. We got our first Christmas tree and it is REAL. Those of you who sell out and get fake ones, don’t do it, it’s not worth it. Oh yeah sorry, I forgot it’s expensive in the States and here it is dirt cheap. Oh but the aroma! Our sweet little tree is only a dash
taller than us and is not a pine but a Cyprus. The decorations are meager and quite improvised but as opposed to the tree, decorations are expensive here! All we bought were two tiny boxes of lights and a box of a dozen Christmas ornaments. I had two pieces of gold fabric, one which we arranged under the tree and one which we cut in half and wrapped around the tree. Yadda yadda. The whole point is that we have a cute tree and it’s fun. 
This past week I met with two ladies from our church and taught them how to make sugar cookies. I had made them for an event several months ago and they had been asking me ever since to teach them how to make them. It’s so cool to see how the Lord is opening up more and more doors for us in this community. It’s nice to be able to establish friendships with the people around us with the hopes of deepening them.
Saturday Jason and I were invited to help out at a Lady’s Conference and kids activity that a local bilingual church was providing in a poor community about an hour away from where we live. It was an awesome day! The kids were entertained by a crazy clown while the women had their meeting. The clown started out the event by sprinkling confetti all over the kids. While I was taking pictures of the fun he snuck up behind me and more than sprinkled my head with confetti too. It took FOREVEEER to get the stuff out but it was funny, I’ll give him that. The kids, anyway, got a kick out of a big tall white girl getting confettied. Several women responded to the message by either accepting the salvation of the Lord or asking for prayer concerning life struggles. I was privileged to pray with two women, one of which is quite mature in age and the other who is having problems with family members. The women are so sweet and ready to learn about life with Christ. I feel very grateful that we were able to participate in this event. Many of the families in this area spend a good part of their days rumaging through trash dumps in order to salvage or sell their findings. The church has been helpful to them by giving them some of their daily needs such as food and school supplies. The amazing thing, though, is that when asked what is something that they need or want, the people requested church services. Most of the churches in the area don't want dirty stinky people coming to their events. Can you imagine? Regardless of all their physical needs, they asked for church services. Now THAT is refreshing. I'll leave you with that thought and the hope that you are aware of God's blessings in your life. Adieu!

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree…..yep. We got our first Christmas tree and it is REAL. Those of you who sell out and get fake ones, don’t do it, it’s not worth it. Oh yeah sorry, I forgot it’s expensive in the States and here it is dirt cheap. Oh but the aroma! Our sweet little tree is only a dash

This past week I met with two ladies from our church and taught them how to make sugar cookies. I had made them for an event several months ago and they had been asking me ever since to teach them how to make them. It’s so cool to see how the Lord is opening up more and more doors for us in this community. It’s nice to be able to establish friendships with the people around us with the hopes of deepening them.

hey sarah! it is so good to hear of all the opportunities God is giving y'all to minister and create friendships with the people around you! Praise Him! I am so glad you had another blog posted. I'm sitting at school waiting on my friend to get out of her final so we can go home...I was soo bored and actually prayed that you would have something new for me to read! I'm really glad y'all got to come visit a few weeks ago too! The conference was great and I am glad you got to dance with us! :) God's blessings and much love!!
Hey now after 12years of a real tree we gave into a fake. Boy do I miss spending 3 to 4 hours of walking up and down rows of trees looking for that perfect one while the boys run all over and hide from us and complain they are hungry,tired and thirsty. Then having the tree fall over in the night and spilling water all over or my husband using fishing string nailed to the cabnets to hold it up. Oh and all the needles Ive had to vacum up and pick out of the carpet and what a joy to step on one and make you bleed. What were we thinking to give into our fleshly desires and lazyness. Sorry Sarah will you ever forgive us!!!!!
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