I thought you should know that we will be taking off tomorrow on a long journey to Honduras. We will be traveling via the busssss. This should be interesting as there will be no stops for food or anything of the kind. Peanut butter and jelly will be the gourmet choice of the day, I assure you. And maybe some apples and organic oatmeal cookies to boot. I must confess that even though my body and mind are exhausted as I type, my heart is giddy with excitement! Oh, to not only see my people but to hear and smell and hug them! This, is bliss. The closer time comes for me to go home the more I realize how very much I miss it, them, all of it, all of them. Under the hubbub of daily activities, future plans, travels or whatever is taking place, there is a secluded corner of my heart that quietly longs for Honduras, mi pais, mi amada patria. I know it will not be the same as old times, I don’t expect it to be, and Honduras should not expect me to be the same, because I’m not in so many ways. So, we will reacquaint ourselves with each other and most likely end up just as pleased as before. I thank God because he is the One who chose for me to be Honduran. I can’t claim it as some great attribute of my own or some great thing I have done. It’s a simple, yet lovely gift from God. I accept it, appreciate it, and embrace it….and here I come.

Sniff...mi corazon va contigo. Mando todo mi amor con Uds. para todos mis queridos en Honduras, mi pais adoptado, tan, tan querido.
Papi y yo oraremos por Uds. en todo su camino. Estamos tan emocionados por Uds.!
Pucha, Sarah, me haces llorar.
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