Sunday, February 24, 2008

Maw Maw

Dear sweet Mawmaw. Her earthly life came to an end Saturday of last week and I can’t say that she will be missed. She IS missed. Mawmaw was Jason’s grandmother and I count it a privilege to have been able to meet her, know her and love her. She had the funniest sense of humor and spent most of the time laughing at herself and her little antics. She could cook up a delicious storm like nobody’s business and was one of the most selfless persons I have known. What a heritage to leave your family! Her life and example is one that I will be proud to pass on to the children I hope to one day have. Her constant attentiveness to the needs others and the love and respect she gained from everyone around her was evidence of her love for her Lord God. There is so much joy in knowing that she is dwelling in the place of the Most High! I thank God for her life, because it surely was a beautiful one…

One of her flowers form the farm