Ah, yes. Honduras, the land of my favorite people, smells, flavors, sights, weather, feelings, everything! I was in Honduras ten days for the wedding of my heart-sister Grace. She was married on the 20th to Mark Smith and what a lovely time it was! I had mixed feelings about going home. I wanted to stay so badly to share more time with my people, and yet I was LONGING to be in the arms of my amazing husband again. This was the longest we had ever been apart since we were married, and I can say I don't like it. At all. Period. I had a great time but wished every second that he could be with me enjoying everything I was enjoying. It's just as well I guess. Somebody had to continue the privilege of staying to boss the teams around, make sure the last millionth construction material piece was available, go mad trying to figure out phone communication and transportation for about 52 people, make sure everyone had somewhere to eat and sleep at night, pay all the bills, wait in line at the bank, the hardware store, car rental place, and any other complicated scenario you can imagine. Oh wait, Jason IS the one who usually does all of that anyway, other than make sure about the eating and sleeping thing. That's one task that's on me, and I was biting my pretty (self) manicured fingernails the whole time I was gone hoping that everything went smoothly. And it did. Which goes to show that God IS and always WILL be sovereign. I love him for that! And so much more...
I'm tired now and have to sleep because...I'M PREGNANT! Yeah. More on that later. I promise. So I'll leave you with some good ole' pictures of some of the people I was SO blessed to see. Thompson family, enjoy reminiscing....
I'm tired now and have to sleep because...I'M PREGNANT! Yeah. More on that later. I promise. So I'll leave you with some good ole' pictures of some of the people I was SO blessed to see. Thompson family, enjoy reminiscing....
Soy un solo monton de pura "embidia" ahorita! Me alegra por ti, hermanita, y por tu bebe que ya fue a Honduras de visita!
hope you are feeling okay in your mama's belly. I'm saving all my toys for you
La gente... que hermosa!! Los recuerdos... tantos!! Los arboles esos... que grandes, y que frondosos, y que bonitos!!
Siiii!!! Puse las fotos de los arboles solo para vos! Se ven bellos.
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