Saturday, July 05, 2008

Long Gone...

Ok, so now I am just plumb busy. Sorry about that. You have probably given up completely on my blogging, but then again, you are reading this now aren't you? So, thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me just quite yet. I have decided that concerning our trip to Sudan, I will be creating a separate blog where I will type everything I wrote in my journal while I was there. I just can't find a way to put it all into a few words in one post so I promise I will have all of that ready to read sometime in the fall. For now though, a LOT, no really, I mean a LOTTTT has been going on here...hence the lack of updates, so to make it short, I'll let the pictures give you a short peek as to a little of what has been going on.

Steve, Marisha and Roma came to town! Yey! We. Had. A. BLAST! (If you pretend that the constant rain the last few days they were here and our emergency flight out of our town after the tropical storm didn't happen). Still, it was a great gift from the Lord to spend some time with them and to LOVE ON MY ROMA! Awww...

Roma's first steps on the beach. She loved it as long as she had shoes on. Roma minus shoes plus sand equals quite a comical picture of her pulling out all the stops to avoid touching said sand.

No NO Don Quijote!

Is that not the cutest picture you have ever laid eyes on?

Oh, Uncle Jason, feuxhawks are SO last season

And then to top off family visits awesomeness, Jason's parents came to town along with our good friends, Laggin Lloyed and the Low Rydin Librarian. It was so much fun hanging out with them. They took us to the northern part of the country which we had not been around before, so it was nice to see some black sand for a change.

I love my mother-in-law!

We went zip-lining and water sliding through the jungle. The monkeys probably pointed at us and said, "Look! It's another pack of those crazy humans!" I'm sure if they'd had cameras, they would have taken a bunch of pictures.

Folks, this is not photo shopped. Jason most definitely found a hermit crab who saw this lovely pink broom hook and decided it was time for a new hat...or dress, or, ermmm, whatever. It must be a girl.

The project work is slow but sure. I don't know how effective that broom is gonna be though with all that mud...

That would be me running around trying to furnish the project. It's starting to look great! More pictures on that soon! And no, I did not choose the blue flowery fabric for the cushions, because I know you were wondering.

And now for the cream...Jason and I enjoyed our 2nd marriage anniversary at our favorite restaurant. Mi amor, you are more than ever the love of my heart, the man I admire and respect, the handsome face I get to look at every day, my confidant, supporter, best friend, encourager, partner in crime...ahem...jokes, and wise leader. I love you mucho mas. And when all else fails, PINCHY PINCHYYYY!!!

Not yet in pictures is the fact that we have had two amazing teams come to help us on the project, and now have a group of young girls here as well that will be recieving discipleship this summer. We are having a blast but are also getting very tired very quickly, so please continue to pray that the joy of the Lord be our strength. I love you all and hope you are growing daily in your love for our great Lord. Chow for now.


J Yale said...

looks amazing! wish we could have been there. miss ya'll and love ya'll