Sunday, October 26, 2008


Oh joy of joys! The Lord is producing fruit, and much fruit at that. I’m not talking about pineapples or watermelons, although I greatly enjoy that delectable kind of fruit… especially lately. I’m talking about people! Lives changing. God’s Spirit is moving mightily in our little church. Last Sunday three people placed their trust in Christ and accepted his salvation, among them the lady struggling with a marital affair, a very lonely, but very sweet man who has been quietly sitting in the back, and Fanny, the young lady who works for us and lives on the project site. Woo hoooo! I think pastor Mario is most excited about the fact that the men are no longer outnumbered. It was pretty much him and Jason among a whole bunch of women there for a long time, but now the male force is slowly trickling in, and he’s excited about it. Actually, it really is a great blessing because typically the men in the community do not take up a spiritual leadership role in their families, so it is exciting to see the lord work in this way.

Jason and I have formed a little duo. Fancy that. We’ve both kind of been teaching ourselves guitar for the past year, but lately I’ve been teaching him several songs I grew up singing in Chile, and so he has been playing them at church while I sing them. Who knew we would be the singing couple one day? Don’t go thinking we’re pros yet though. We both only know very basic chords and I make sure the songs I pick are within our limited chord range. Ahahah. Oh well. A little at a time right? But our goal is to one day know every chord out there and be limitless as to what songs we can play. And then we will take over the woooorld. Mruahrahrahra.

I would like to introduce to you woody, the pecker of trees who is searching for a prime spot to live in behind the house. Now is a good time to buy Woody. The market is slow.