Monday, October 06, 2008

Just for fun

OK, ok. Here's what we're gonna do. Just for fun. To be honest, I'm not really liking my new blog layout as much as I did when I first posted it, so I have decided to let YOU, the reader, choose which one you like the best. Maybe. Ahaha. No really, I will. So. For the next month, I will choose a different layout for the blog at the beginning of each week, you will pay attention and make a mental note of each one, and then at the end of the month I will make a new poll in which you, my dear reader, will vote for the layout you liked the best. I almost promise to let the winner be the final layout. Ok. That's not at all fair, I know. I promise then. The winning vote WILL be the fianl layout that will set roots and stay, for your eyes' pleasure.
Since I don't much care for this bright red layout anymore, I will be changing it tomorrow, which will be the layout for week #1. Come back and take a peek!