Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shower of people

Our pastor’s wife Ceci, the ladies of the church and I wanted to give a baby shower to a lady in our church who is going to be having a baby girl within the next month. She and her family recently moved to this country and have had a hard time settling in and so we wanted to help her out and do something nice for her. So we planned for me to host the shower and everyone else would bring little snacks and stuff. Ceci said there would probably be around eight of us total, most likely seven. Ok. Not a very big shower but it should be nice. Is what I thought. Jason was to help pick people up at the church because Ceci couldn’t bring everybody in her car. Well, right when the shower was starting, cars, plural, began showing up, with more promised to be on the way..,hmmmm…

“Ceci i i i . How many women are coming?”

“Oh I don’t know now. Maybe fourteen? Oh, and my husband is coming too. And maybe some others, but we’re not sure.”

“Aha. Gulp.” Shoot. I only have enough games, coffee, plates, cups, prizes, cake, chairs, etc….for eight people.

So a lot of scrambling took place, fishing around for more cups, cutting smaller pieces of cake, printing more pages for one of the games, hauling chairs in from outside….and on and on. Thankfully, Ceci brought more prizes with her, so that worked out well.

All in all, there were seventeen total, including the men, who did most of the eating. I’m glad Jason had a buddy to hang out and be manly with in the midst of so much female drama. The shower was so much fun! We laughed, and laughed, played, ate, oohed and ahhed over baby presents and just had a good ole time. I laid out a bunch of diapers so that we could all write encouraging, funny, and sweet messages for Janet, the mother-to-be so that she could have a little piece of something to brighten her diaper changing moments. On one I wrote “give this diaper to someone else to do the changing.” I think when we have our baby, I am going to write that on every single diaper and always give them to Jason. I’m sure he will appreciate that. Won’t you mi amor?

If you are wondering why in the world I, a mere missionary, would be having such a gorgeous house with large pillars in the middle of a room which serve no other purpose than to please the eye, the answer is simple. It’s not my house. Ahahah. Jason and I have been house sitting for some good friends of our on and off during this year, and we had the shower at their house. So now you know.

I hope you have a great, great week!


J Yale said...

that idea was really cute to write on the diapers. I'll have to remember that one!