Thursday, October 16, 2008

News Flash

This morning, for the very first time...I felt the baby move. It was not a flutter, it was not a sharp pain, it was a solid poke. Beam, beam, beam, says my face. I know this will not be novelty in a few months, and I will probably soon be wishing the baby would please stop twirling, but for now, for today, it is my reason to smile. And we need some of that as the sky has officially kissed the sun goodbye and opened up to the rain rain rain which won't go away no matter how much I want to play. Jason and I have been "freezing" today. We laughed that most of you would probably think it is the perfect temperature, but our blood has thinned in these tropics, and the mere mention of 60 degrees makes me shiver. Brrrr. You would think it was snowing inside for how bundled up we are.
As you can see, this blog layout is for week #2, so take note, because next week this brownness will be gone, only to be remembered after two more weeks, when you get to vote for which layout you liked the best, as I will bite my lip and hope that the one you vote for is my favorite as well. I'll be posting again soon to share the pictures of the, erm, rather large baby shower I hosted yesterday. "About eight ladies total will come.", they said.....peer back this way soon to find out how many really showed up...


J Yale said...

it is the most exciting feeling isn't it to feel the baby move! so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Little Secret Smith... kick all you can right now while you can still get away with it, 'cause if you try later, Mom will chase you around with a spanking spoon!!