Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A kite and a candle

Remember when I said life here is not always paradise? Well sometimes it is. And Sunday morning was one of those times. Our great friends, the Webers, thoughtfully sent us a kite earlier this year to encourage some romantic beach spice into our life. The wind was twirling my hair so persistently that I suggested we try out the kite AGAIN, as the first time was not so successful. I have a video of that but it would take me four hours to download it. Dial up internet. Nuff said. So away we went, to sunny, sandy bliss. The day was gorgeous! We ran into our landlord's son and he tagged along to fly the kite with us. Not so romantic after all huh? Ahahah. Aw, but that's ok. It was a lot of fun hanging out with him. This time around the wind was perfect and the kite spread out it's folds and soared. Jason, of course, snuck up behind me and before I knew it, I was all tangled up in the kite tails. I really could not move my arms without tearing the tail. Our poor child is either gonna really love hiser daddy or really be exasperated by him. I choose the love-and-laugh-at his antics option. It's a lot more fun.

Soon enough the clouds started rolling in so we made our exit and the day quickly went from paradise to nastiness, though I have to say, rain does encourage coziness and a book. Or a cuddle. Or a candlelit church meeting. The steady drizzle turned into an all out downpour and the electricity went out in the whole area, about ten minuets before church was supposed to start. We arrived to a surprisingly large gathering of people, surprising considering most of them have to walk through muddy roads to get there. There were candles everywhere, for everyone's wax picking delight. It was very charming, but mostly a blessing to worship God despite the elements.
The next couple of days will be busy! Tonight we're having a mini dinner party for the local vet, his mom, and his aunt. I guess that means I better go clean out the bird cage. Blehhh. And tomorrow I am hosting a baby shower or "A Tea" as they call it here, for one of the ladies in the church who is having a baby next month. So ta ta for now. I must go make preparations...


Anonymous said...

Wow, Sarie, you look goooood! Pregnancy must agree with you. We all miss you but feel close to you anyway, through your delightfully written posts (and your call last night). Katelyn and I think your candle looks like it has a dove on the top of it...

Anonymous said...

The Kite Runner, reminds me of that. Lee ese libro, autor: Khaled Hosseini. Te va a gustar. Que sweet que sos y romantic!