Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mom's Secret

Yes. Well. You may now call me Betty Crocker, partly because I have always admired her cooking abilities, but mostly because I am imitating her cooking abilities. My last two Fridays have consisted of running around in a frenzy concocting oh-so-fabulous lemon pound cakes. My Mom was generous enough to supply me with her ultra-secret recipe, after duly threatening me not to ever share it with anyone, even at the cost of friends' outrage. My last two Saturdays have consisted of me sitting prettily behind a small, well arranged table selling my oh-so-fabulous lemon pound cakes. At a market fair. And it has been fun. Last Saturday I sold every cake I took, three to be exact, and enticed many more people to remember the lemony bliss that melted in their mouths to come back today and take that piece of heaven home with them. Today I brought many more cakes of various sizes and sold all but the largest one, which I plan to casually mention to my many lady friends who are always begging me to bake and sell them whatever I make, which is still waiting patiently for an owner. (Wow, long sentence.) Here’s a little tip for all you business hopefuls: FREE SAMPLES. It works.

Now. You may be wondering why I might feel compelled to go to all of the trouble of making and selling these cakes. Well, since you asked, I love cooking, baking, concocting. I get to meet a lot of new people. It’s something new in life to try. I get to breeze by the chocolate-cake-selling-lady-who-turns-her-nose-up-at-my-table with an empty tote bag at the end of the fair. AND, I get to make a little extra cash with which I plan to do some much needed shopping when we go to the States United for a visit. Seriously dear Readers, I mean much needed. I have been deprived of real stores for almost two years now, with the exception of the weeks we visited the States last fall in which I only bought a few things (and yes Jason, it really only was a few things so don’t raise those handsome eyebrows at this sentence=).

My sweet mother-in-law surprised me and sent me some very cute maternity goodies to glow over. Thank you Mrs. Ann! What I don’t think she realized was the hypnotic scent of Target that is on one of the shirts she sent me. It has transported me back to the glorious days of rifling through rack after rack of precious treasures. You may think I’m cheap for liking Target but hey, this girl loves Target and feels free to say so. So she does. So next time you are casually strolling through the red and white isles, think of how MUCH I would love to be tagging along.

On other matters of the heart, I feel a deep stirring in me. Not the baby, mind you, but the stirring of God’s Spirit. I have asked Him to renew, restore and refresh me, all the re’s. And He is faithful to respond to my asking. I love him so much for his kindness and TRUE caring, and I hope you do too. May you be blessed this weekend, and may you contemplate the riches of God’s Kingdom….Target or no Target.


Anonymous said...

Pumpkin Pies. I remember your mom baked pumpkin pie for one thanksgiving I was invited. It tasted hmmm hmmm mmm...YUMMY! That was the day I fell in love with pumpkin pie. If I would be with you at the fair, NO pies left. Siii, te los compraria girl! Que rico!

Target rulz. I go there too. Ask Mark :) Its called "smart shopping", not "cheap". Fabric lasts as any other Haute Couture...

Muah. Love you. Un beso a Baby Smith.

We're in Miami with Tessa, we think about you and crack up at stupid stuff...Wish you'd be here.

Anonymous said...

I miss you so much.
I was catching up with you and Jason's blogs and this made me smile. I loved oru random target trips and the ever amazing dollar asile. :)

J Yale said...

Sarah and Diego-
we can't wait to see you!!! We would love to take you to Target. AK has saved all her baby stuff to be used by Diego when in town. see you soon and love ya