Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Well, chances are if I am inadequate, which we all know I am, and I rely on God's Holy Spirit to speak through me then things will go well. And they did. = )

The time with the ladies at the church tonight was so good. Maybe a little awkward for some of the ladies at first, but once we established the "no condemnation" deal, it was smooth sailing. Or maybe better said we all left encouraged and uplifted. They even asked me to meet with their girls next week to talk to them about sex, which was the original plan in the first place. Wink wink.


Anonymous said...

Hey, would love details on how that all worked out if you get a chance to email!

Suzanne said...

woman, you are too sweet. thank you so much for the kind words---sheesh! love your blog, btw!

Chela said...

Just e-mailed you Kirsten!

Suze, you read my blog? Girl, how do you find TIMMMME?!??! I don't know how you do it, but I think it's cool. God bless you, your hubby, and your four adorable munchkins.