Monday, November 03, 2008

Time to Vote

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3

Week #4

Yes, it is. For your favorite blog layout candidate, that is. For a whole month now you have patiently endured the changing sights of my blog from flower innocence, to brown curlies, to retroness, and finally groovy trees. Some you might have liked, others totally hated, but for me it has been fun and I've tried to keep it as diverse as this blog blogs deserve anything? Really? So, if you will peek to the right of this post, you will discover a nifty voting poll which I fully expect you to vote on. Dearest readers, I know when you log on, therefore, I will know if you fail to vote. Please do not dissapoint me and just go ahead and spare me the excuses. You DO care what my blog looks like. I know you do. So do your duty and vote. You wouldn't want someone ELSE to determine your future eye intakes now would you? No. I didn't think so. As promised earlier in the month, the winning layout gets to stay for good. No more changes. Whiew.

And now, what everybody has REALLY been waiting for: Baby bump pictures. Wheeee! I'm growing growing growing! Can't stop now. Speaking of stop, I wish I had some pringles to pop...


Anonymous said...

i vote for week 2!! mini Jason´s looking gooooooooooood.

Unknown said...

i love your little baby bump! how exciting!! (and yes, i did cast my vote for your blog was week 2, in case you care to know :)

Kir said...

I love week 2. Yay, you're growing!

Anonymous said...

Yo tambien por la semana dos esta bien lindo el disenio.
Hay Saruca tu pansita esta exelente para tener los mese que tienes.
Te ves muy bien fisicmente sigue asi.Te amo mucho, ya falta poquito cada vez para estar juntitos.
Un besote a mi nosabemos y a ti y Jason.

Anonymous said...

Semana #2!!!! Y que BELLA te ves!!! I love it, love it, love it! Es tu mejor figura esa pansita. Un beso grandisimo!