After surviving The Death (cold virus), crunching in six-inch snow (in Louisiana of all places!) making it through two whole days of no power (due to a measly six inches of snow), and being completely showered with gifts for the sweet wee one growing within me, our trip to Cajun land was wrapping up to its sad end. One of my favorite parts of the whole snow fiasco was the fact that without the distractions that light reveals, the entire Smith family spent long periods of time toasting our shivering selves around the fireplace talking, reminiscing, keeping Anna Kate away from the blaze, eating Raising Cane’s (the best chicken fingers and dipping sauce on planet earth) and simply enjoying the comfort of family familiarity. Interesting. The similarity between the words family and familiarity. Praise be to our Lord, the power came back just in time for us to kick into frenzy mode and cook an early Christmas dinner (my participation being baking a completely-from-scratch apple pie…mmm, delicious) so that we could celebrate an early Smith family Christmas. It was a blast! Thank you Smithers, for a wonder filled time!
On to Indy. The land of grandparent’s house memories and late nights playing games and watching movies. My beloved parents live in Indianapolis, and at the time so do my oldest brother Mark, who is fighting cancer the hard, slow and natural way (you are my hero Mark, and not because you are fighting something dreadful, just simply because you are a good man
So for the next several days we visited each other back and forth from house to house, made and decorated sugar cookies, some of which looked amazingly artistic and others that well, looked…questionable (such as Jason’s purplish-grayish…slush man?), watched more movies, played tons of video games, I mean, the GUYS played a bunch of video games, shot off loads of firecrackers
This post is getting long, so I’ll wrap it up with the grand finale. We trekked back to Indy for a few more days, had our tearful goodbyes, and then flew to Miami to spend a few days of fun in the sun (finally some warmth!) with Tessa and Daniel, some of our favorite friends remember? We hooted and hugged our way through the New Year at Daniel’s sister’s house, where we had an all-out Latin New Year’s celebration with even more firecrackers and such. Aahh…L’ Amie…now that, is French. Then, we headed to the WRONG airport, of which I saved the day by simply asking a question…such as: Jason, are we flying out of Miami airport or Fort Lauderdale (this I asked after noticing the Miami skyscraper and thinking that during this entire trip we had never flown INTO Miami). He answered that we were flying out of Fort Lauderdale, of which Tessa thought he was joking, so I said nothing more, and then Tessa said we were driving to Miami, of which Jason thought we were joking with him, and after a few minutes of total confusion, we all realized the horror. Wrong airport. I do believe we are the only people this has ever happened to. Ever. Somehow (with Tessa’s madwoman driving abilities) we made it to our flight in time, were bumped to first class, uuuuu, and enjoyed the rest of the way home.
Now we are slammed with a about 873 different things going on…but that is for another day, once your eyes become uncrossed from reading so much. Adieu.
My Super Snowman
Mark wishing he could eat anything other than a salad
Men being boys...oh how I love it though!
p.s. I will have to upload the rest of the pictures later because it has taken me about an hour to upload these and quite frankly, I´m tired. I´ll do my best to get the rest on here as soon as possible!
Thank you for imortalizing our time together. I miss you, Jason and Secret so very much. Just had to say goodbye to Dave, Hanzi and the girls this morning...they will be spending 10 days in K.C. Goodbyes are so hard, especially for us older folks.
From the sound of things growing a baby can be pretty hectic when traveling, moving, and settling in to a new house. I know you won't overdo it, but just be careful anyhow. Loving words from a caring dad. Tell Jason hello, and I did not go out to play golf this morning...only 30 degrees 8>}
Love you, Baby,
Linda Sarah:
Que linda cada palabra que pusiste.
Espero que todo este bien en donde estan, si me imagino que ha sido caotico y con muchas cosas que hacer, pero estoy segura que estas disfrutando tu casita.
Es mi deceo y oracion que el Baby y Tu esten bien, obvio que el Jason tambien.
Gracias a Dios nosotros estamos bien.
Te amo mucho sis
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