Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meet Rupert

Rupert: friends and family. Friends and family: Rupert. He is our new shower buddy. He decided with not even so much as a "Please may I live in your shower?" to take permanent residence in our bathroom. You may be appalled at the idea, but live in the jungle for a couple of years and see if you care all that much. He's really a tame little fellow. He perches on the shower door all day with his eyes shut and leaps off to who knows where at night to eat and socialize with the rest of the nocturnal creatures. The dude is obviously not affected by our presence either. I've talked to him, rattled the shower door, splashed him with water and put a camera all up in his face and he won't do more than crack his eyelids open as if to say, "Do you mind?" We named him Rupert in the hopes that he will leave. The reason being that we have named many creatures "Rupert" in the past and they have all taken off sooner or later. I hope He takes the hint. If you are wondering why we don't just shoo him off, then know that as opposed to the well insulated, sealed-off house you probably live in, houses here remain permanently open to the elements. It's hot and stuffy in the houses so windows always stay open, allowing for characters such as Rupert to come and go as they please.
So if you come to visit us (and please do), be aware that a silvery percher named Rupert will most likely be present during your grooming moments. Don't worry though. He doesn't peek.


Anonymous said...

is that an animal? a frog? bat? iguana? o sea soy latina 100% pero que es esoooo! looks like an albino bat!

u´re so sweet. yo que días lo hubiera recogido con paper towel y echado a la libertad.

Oh. Nice to meet you, Rupert.

Kir said...

I'm so weird. I would absolutely be delighted to have that creature in my shower, as long as it was not creepy crawly and did not bring in lots of friends. What a fun little thing to stare out while you shower. It could be much worse!

Anonymous said...

all I can say is: GUACALA!!!!! Guacala, Guacala!!!!