Sunday, February 22, 2009

A new look

For the time being and by the sweet recommendation of Grace (thanks sista), I have chosen this blog layout in honor of the Wee One. It fits him I think. He happily wiggled when I added it so he must like it. I still am unsuccessful in fixing the things that are wrong with the blog, but patience is a virtue working on. So hurry up and help me fix it! Hah.

I stuffily inform you that I have acquired yet another cold. How can it be called a cold, however, when the temperature around is hot and sticky and in no way conducive to cold getting? It makes no sense, but there you have it. Sniff. Sniiifffff.

Here you go then. The picture many have requested. I picked the best one of course, so don't go thinking I look THAT "normal." Get me from another angle and you might catch a serious double chin, flabby arms, and whale wide hips. Did I mention cellulite infested thighs? As soon as I hold our bundle of wiggles, I promise I won't notice any of this again. Or for a while at least. Oh heck. I'll just run it off then.

Be BLESSED in the name of the Lord!

p.s. Today I have been pregnant for nine months. Happy milestone!


Anonymous said...

hey Sarah! Nice look in your blog, I like it! Congrats with your baby! post pics ASAP cuando nazca :) you look amazingly good!!! asi me quiero ver yo algun dia... awww soo sweet! take care! Good luck in everything, que todo te salga bien, my sista had 4 kids and all natural...just relax ahah like I know, duh :) May God bless you!!!

Anonymous said...

(Sigh) Ay!, mi Chelita. The seemingly endless sacrifices we make for our family. There are so many quirky little twists that we have to face. But every once-in-a-while a big one comes along, and from the looks of the photo, this is a BIG ONE.

You look sooooo BEEEautiful for 9 months, and I can hardly wait to see photos of Secret. You are in our prayers, and our love is continually wrapping you in hugs and little squeezes. I love you, Baby, and oh, you too Baby!

Love, Dad

Jason, are you there? BTW, nice job on the baby bedroom...makes me want to be a baby again...on second thought...wwelll...I like being a grandpa. 8>}