Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sweet relief.

I thank God my headache took to hiding itself. You poor readers. I haven’t given you much written delight lately have I? Some days are inspiring and some just simply are not. Do forgive me.

So. It is YOUR turn to write to me. Oh yes. I mean it. The comments section has been a little sad lately (with the exception of Dad, Momma, Gachi and Kirsten…thanks guys!) and I have a few more confessions to make which may inspire YOU to write ME.

Confession #5:

I am terrified, absolutely TERRIFIED of hospitals. Not only was I not even born in one, I have never been to a hospital for personal care…ever. Nyang nyang nyang (nail biting). Jason and I went to check out the clinic where hopefully our growing wee one will make his great debut, and although the place was very nice, clean, comfortable, and the staff seemed very helpful, a huge wave of fear coursed through my being. I experienced several minutes of private panic and my blood felt all weak and stuff. I will only casually mention that the delivery room looked like a torture chamber.

Confession #6:

What I really wish? You have my permission to call me crazy but I would really rather have this baby at home, in my own comfy environment with sights, sounds and scents that are familiar to me, relaxing to me. I don’t want bright lights blinding our baby as soon as he comes out. I don’t want people I don’t know prodding and poking me. I don’t want wires, needles and beeping things all around me. All of that equals foreign, uncomfortable and scary to me. And none of us like foreign, uncomfortable and scary now do we? No, I didn’t think so. Deep breath…..siiiigh.

Now I’m sure you all just LUUUV reading about my deepest fears, so here is what you can do about it. I ask of any of you out there who have had any experience whatsoever, whether it is personal, observational or second hand, to share your awesome tips on anything having to do with child labor. Feel free to share on topics relating to anything such as: what to bring to the hospital, tips for what Dad should or could do during the process, relaxation techniques, what to/not to eat during labor, ANYTHING. Or even just a little cyber pat on the shoulder “it’s going to be ok” comment. Ahaha.

Be not anxious for me. I’m not afraid of having our adorable. I am excited as possible about that prospect. I just don’t like hospitals. Oh, and in case you are wondering…the reasons we have chosen not to have the baby at home are that it would heavily complicate the process of getting the baby’s U.S. paperwork processed, and in case of an emergency, our doctor, whom we love, could not attend the birth at the nearest hospital being that he is licensed to work in the far away city. So there you have it.

You may now warm up your fingers and type away…


Danny said...

Hola Sarah!! sorry, no te puedo ayudar con todo eso, solo te doy un cyber pat on the back, que te vaya bien en el hospital. hehe. Awwww, oye?............ te quiero!!
I can't wait que tengas tu primer niñito tierno y amoroso...que lindo pensar que ya mero. Te quiero mucho, mucho... queria que supieras eso.

Jennifer said...

Hey's Jennifer from SC! I have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with what is going on with you and Jason. I can not offer personal advice about child labor b/c clearly I have never had a child, but I have volunteered in hospitals a lot and shadowed a lot of will all be ok and they will take very good care of you. There is nothing to be afraid of...they will explain everything that they are doing. Being in the hospital is great because the doctors and nurses can tell you what is going on at all times and how the baby is doing through the labor process. I will be praying for you that it would not be scary!

Anonymous said...

i can't give you advice either (ha ha.. it seems all of your blogger buddies are giving you a cyber pat on the back) ha ha! However, being a doctor's child, just focus on what is happening to your body. Focus on your muscles and other involved body organs and you'll understand why the pain, so it'll make sense that you body is preparing for the grand entrance (or grand exit)! Te quiero mucho... puje mamaita, que para eso te entrenamos, puesjm! Ya despues a pararse y a hacer tamales y yuca con chicharron. Despues lavas los banos con el cipote guindado y a vender tortillas con requeson... love ya!!!!!!