Thursday, March 19, 2009

A quick update

Still no time (or energy) to sort through pictures for posting yet, but I would have you joyfully know that the Wee One is enjoying his new life. There have been some rough moments of slight fevers and belly aches, but the dude is just plain precious and a trooper and learning to relax during his feeding times. This encourages me to stick to our breastfeeding resolve, and I know that it is all a blessing from God and result of all your prayers. So thank you, thank you dear loved ones for your sweet support.
Can I just please rave about my husband one more time? Last night as my heart was heavy with that huge wave of emotions I was telling you about, Jason came to me with the most awesome collection of good wishes, advise and prayers from SO MANY PEOPLE that he has been collecting over the past month. It couldn't have come at a better time, and all day long I have been reading through everyone's thoughts and wishes for me with a warmed and grateful heart. You guys are almost the best, because my husband is the best for thinking of such a loving gift. I am just blown away by his thoughtfulness and kind heart in all of this experience. God has shown me the depth of his love for me by giving me Jason's love, and I don't deserve lick of it. Can such a thing be measured by licks? Who came up with that notion anyway?
Okay, I'm off to more bed rest because seriously, these stitches are killers! Killers I tell you!


Kir said...

Congratulations, Sarah. I hope things with the stitches are getting better, as well as your emotions. It must be overwhelming! I can't wait to see more pictures though (saw some on Jason's blog, and Luka is beautiful. He looks perfect.) I hope you're feeling better today, and enjoying being a mother!

Anonymous said...

Nine months of pregnancy are tough. The next nine are real testers. ;>) It is so refreshing to hear of Jason's care of you and the thoughfulness he demonstrates. Now you understand why I had you make your suitors call me before permitting them to date you. After my first conversation with Jason, I told Mom, "He's the just wait and see." Voila!

Luka is pure love, because he is the product of genuine, pure love, and that is so wonderful to see. Mom can hardly wait to get her hands on the little chap, and love on him as only grandmas can. Right Mrs. Ann?

Just enjoy these moments to the hilt, and we are praying that the stitches thing will heal up quickly. Love you guys!!
