Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We have a son and his name is....

Luka Ilan. But then most of you probably already knew that by now if you have access to my amazing husband's blog. He's been doing a great job keeping everybody updated, PLUS being a great dad and partner, and delivery coach, and everything else imaginable. I can't begin to describe to you what a BLESSING he's been throughout (my life since I've known him really) this exciting time in our lives. Yes. We have a son, and he IS precious. But you probably already knew that too. = ) For obvious reasons (exhasution, painFILLED stitches, newness of being a new parent, nervousness over not knowing what in the world I'm doing, sleep deprivation, and on and on....) I will refrain from posting any pictures right now as you can get your fill from Jason's blog. Yesterday he was perfect all day, sleeping, anjoying being admired, and just being plain sweet. He did pretty well through the night too, and formost oftoday, but tonight the wee one seems to be discontent. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that his momma doesn't have much to show for milk yet, but we're working on that one. Please pray for me as the frustration mounts and the temptation to resort to formula increases. I know I need to be strong and hold out for the real thing, but I'll admit it's hard. The good thing is his diaper is being filled with SOMETHING, so I know he's getting at least something out. Heh.

I am overwhlemed with a loaded wave of so many different emotions and haven't had much of chance to process it, but here are some simple truths I can pinpoint right off:
God has blessed me with an amazing husband who loves me with a true Godly love.
I love our son.
Other people love our son.
We have many sweet friends.
Our families are a solid rock of encouragement for us.
I love you all.

Good least some of you will be getting some sleep tonight....