Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where have I been?

Well, I'll give you the skinny. SICK! So so sick. Sunday night some friends invited us out for supper and as I was raving about how good the hot wings were, one of the men decided to order them and insisted I have some. I chose one, ate a few bites, then looked down at the wing AFTER swallowing and noticed the entire area around the bone was bloody, and I don't mean slightly pink...bloody. I quickly put the thing down and opted for the pizza instead. Whattaya know, around 10:30 that night I started getting sharp pains in my stomach. I THOUGHT it was my stomach, but then the pains increased so consistently that I began wondering if it was active labor. Jason talked me into calling the doctor at 1:00 in the morning (I was mortified at the thought of waking him up) and the doctor said it sounded like a stomach problem to him and to come in in the morning. The clinic is an hour away from where we live. Anyway, 45 minutes later the pain increased SO MUCH that against every fiber of sleep-respect decency in me I called the doctor yet again and told It was serious and I couldn't stand the pain any more. He told me to come immediately. So we did and I, erm, expelled, the entire contents of my stomach all the way there. Jason became a pro at knowing when he needed to stop the car and pull over.
Long story short, I had food poisoning, which after 12 straight hours of uninterrupted and often increasing pain, I was given some medicine to kill the pain and allow me to breath and sleep for once. Poor Jason was right there with me every shallow breath and groan at a time and was the sweetest man alive trhough it all. So, the food poisoning is under control and I am slowly learning to eat and drink again but wouldn't you know, that is not all. At some point in the hospital I strained one of my right abdominal muscles and now resemble an ancient woman in the way I walk, sit, stand, lay down and turn over. I have little capacity of functioning on my own since every single moevment causes excruciating pain. I thank God that we were able to come home again to rest.
So , instead of coming home with a baby, I came home with food poisoning and a strained muscle instead. That nursery is looking sadder by the day. Oh and the baby is still in the mind frame that he can sit as comfortable as he pleases without a care in the wolrd, such as, um, turn over and be born already! Ahaha. Poor buddy. He is probably wondering what in the world his momma is groaning about all the time. The GREAT news which we are so grateful for is that the wee one is in perfect condition and has not been affected by any of this. THAT is cause for peace and joy. Thank you so much for your prayers and sweet words, to all of you have supported us through this. Your affection does not go unnappreciated.

With love,
The Ancient One