Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Just a quick update to inform you that I woke up feeling MUCH better today. I am progressing from a 97 year old to about 63. I can walk again! Oh joy. I can use the, you know, the toilet, without help getting up. Goodbye embarrassment. I can even turn from my left to my right side in bed without sounding like my life is about to expire. Woo hoo!

Again, THANK YOU for praying for me. God is healing me daily and I am so grateful.

P.S. Please take a closer look at the picture below and note that as we did not have anywhere in the hotel room to hang the IV above me, Jason the genius finagled a way to connect the two fan strings together to keep it in place. He also held the IV for me WHILE he drove us from the clinic to the hotel. I wish we had a picture of that. Just another day nearby the jungle....Oh and have you ever had to pull your OWN IV needle out? Yeah. Not so fun.


Anonymous said...

My Baby; my poor, poor Baby! I'm not sure why you have to go through all of this, but I do know the Sovereign One is in control. We love you Sweetie! And we are praying for you, the baby and Jason

Gotta run Mark to the hospital...he is really swollen this morning, poor guy. Pray for is a rugged day.

Love, Dad