Monday, June 15, 2009


Boy has it been busy around these parts. Rather than bore you with a long description of everything that has taken place, how about some pictures? ‘Cause I know you like that. But before I show you the pictures, I’ll give you a short description of the overall life picture we are living in. So why has life been busy? Well, you know, having a baby and all. Except that’s not all. We have been hosting lots of people at the retreat center lately and it has been fun/exhausting/challenging/encouraging/blessing and a whole lot more. I wish you could all be here and share in the great work that God is doing with everybody that is coming here...except that then I would have to plan even MORE meals and buy even MORE food for everybody. My, my, MY, my my! We have a group of boys-who-think-they-are-men who are staying on the site for three weeks and I am telling you (well writing you, in fact) that their pits are bottomless! I have never baught so much food in my life or worried at every meal whether or not everyone has had their fill. God has helped me put together a team of cooks who are doing an excellent job with the meals. And I mean amazing. The food is YUM. I mean, the menu designed by yours truly isn't that shabby either, even if I type so myself. Did you know that I AM the most humble person? I'm quite proud of that fact.

Jason and I celebrated our third, yes third year of husband and wifery and I could go on and on about how much I luuuuv the man except that I don't want you to drown in mush. I love him and that's that.

And now I'll stop clacking away at this post and put the pictures up already.

Celebrating another amazing year of love.

The Lagger was babysat while we googly-eyed each other over a lovely meal.

Luka can now hold a toy...and immediately it goes to his mouth

He is also going pro at karate chopping...while sitting down.

His hands pretty much live in this space most of the day.

He made a new friend who does not have a name yet. Does redtush count?

A bird couple made their nest IN our old bird cage. A wild bird nesting in a cage. Imagine that. Well you don't have to because here's the picture.

My delight. Oh melt, my heart.


grace said...

Feliz Aniversario Smith Thompsons!!!!!!! WOWWWWW 3 mega lindos a~os!!!

Felicidades por Luka, Sarah...esta que quiero piquearlo todito. Mmmuuuaaaac!!!

Anonymous said...

Sarah: congratulations on your third marriage anniversary and also again and again, for your gorgeous, cute, sweet baby boy! May God continue to give you strength every day and many blessings to your family and projects. Dios los guarde :)

Con Carino :)