Thursday, June 11, 2009

So sorry...

...for my absence in this corner of the web. If not for our wack internet connection, I would have loaded you with pictures galore and the recent happenings around these parts. As it is, I am presently typing one-handed while Wee Mr. Lucky gets his pre-bedtime snack. Jason just fixed the internet to the best of his limited-by-monopoly-controlled-internet-connection abilities so that I could at least respond to some e-mails and inform you all that I still possess breath and life. So the pictures and the stories will have to wait for another I hope soon time. For now, enjoy my third best picture ever.


Papo said...

Cuter every day!!!


El Tio Estiben said...

Ha ha! Makes me want to scoop him up and blow on his belly. Can't wait to hear him laugh!

Unknown said...

Mr. Randy and I absolutely love this picture! We want to hold him and play with him soooooo bad! We miss him and ya'll a lot.