Tuesday, June 02, 2009

What a day

Sunday morning we packed a cooler full of food, everything we could possibly need for the Wee One, got together with our beloved church members, and headed out to a private beach for baptisms. What better place to be baptized? Ok. Maybe a waterfall, so we'll call it even. About ten people were baptized and we all waded out into the water and stood with them while this took place. For every person that was baptized we sang and clapped a joyful song. It was amazing to witness the fruit that God is producing in these beiliever's lives! They are all changing so much, and for the better. It's really cool to sit back and watch what God is doing. After the baptisms every ELSE adventured through a cool cave that led to another supposedly incredible white sand beach. But I wouldn't know now would I? Nah, I'm not really complainig. I stayed back with the Cheeteh Baby and made sure the sun wasn't streaming through his long and beautiful eyelashes. As Jason claims to despise the beach (oh how could he?) he stayed back too and we talked the rest of the morning away with sweet Mrs. Joy. She is the wife of our director and we are happy to declair that they will be staying a good bit of the summer here. Woohoooo!!! there will be good time had by all. Speaking of good times, everyone spread out therir delicious and assorted foods (some wrapped in banana leaves...yes, they were and I think that is so cool) and shared around what they brought. The grand finale was the moment the watermelon was busted out and everyone partook. What a day. The Wee One enjoyed it too as he was passed from one set of arms to the other. What a lovely day.


How would you like to be baptized with that wave coming at you?

Diego was baptized too!

Corazon de melon, de melon, melon, melon, melon, melon....corazon. Lastima que no es melon.



Moma said...

Papo and Moma miss little Luka! ...and his dear parents!

Moma said...

Papo and Moma would love to be there with little cheetah-baby and his parents!

Mom said...

I'm singing a hymn and clapping for Diego, too!

Papo said...

What wonderful sights and beautiful scenery!! How beautiful it is to see wee ones follow their Lord in baptism, and begin to grow and flourish in Him. Sigh...wish we could see more of that up here in our neck of the woods. With lots of prayer and God's power that will happen.

Keep up the good work, Kids. Hey, Luka, PAPO LOVES YA!!!!


Moma said...

Luka is so handsome. What a cutie. I'm in love with him, too.
