Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is it possible?

Hey I know I have been a ghost for the past week and I apologize. No wait, no I don't. I take it back. I couldn't post due to crazy business, and unless you all just want me to slice away precious sleep hours at night to post on here while the Wee One is sleeping soundly, well then, that's just wrong. Hah. Anyway. My goal is to post one time each day until at least Friday. GASP right?! Is this possible? We'll see. I'm not promising extravagant writing or anything, but at least a picture. Or something. So come on back each day for a little treat. Speaking of treats. I made the BEST mango-picked-from-our-yard sorbet the other day. Mmmmm. It's a simple recipe and I'll maybe, just maybe, have to share it with you one of these days. Although I may not because it fills me with a sense of power to keep something that good a secret. Mrawhrahrahra. Just kiddinnnng.
Oh desolate cries my heart! My most amazing husband in the world has left me and the Cheetah Baby behind for a week! He and a bunch of guys have gone to a neighboring country for the week to put into practice all of the truth that God has poured into their hearts these past three weeks. Ok, so now the serious part of me will talk. For the past three weeks we have hosted a group of ten guys, well eleven if you count one I call Jakey Pooh (though he would much rather be called Jaque) who have been soaking in a lot of truth from God's Word through teachers form various parts of the States United (or Divided?). It has been so exciting to see the changes God has woven through their hearts and the ways he has revealed some of himself to them. They have in turn made themselves fully available to be used by the Lord in our little community and let me just tell you one of the miraculous things God did through them. They prayed and each wrote down a word or a few words describing someone they would come into contact with. They then set out on a "treasure hunt" to find people fitting the descriptions they wrote down. One such person fit the description perfectly and basically this guy had lots of trouble with one of his legs. He was walking around with crutches and his leg, which was all bound up, was swollen and looked like it was beginning to rot. Ew. Anyway, the guys began praying for him and before their eyes the swelling in his leg went down and he was able to walk around without discomfort! He, ecstatically, threw his crutches into the back of his truck and drove home...probably whistling a pretty tune. Now how's that for God showing off? He is so good and faithful.

And now for some pictures.

Boys know.

Apparently throwing people up in the air is really cool.

Still perfecting his karate skills.

He's also working on his Spider Man moves, but he hasn't quite understood that his wrist is supposed to face up. He'll probably get it right tomorrow.

And this one is for Moma and Mimi.


Moma said...

Awwww...I wuv you sooo much, and I miss holding you! Please come and visit me for Christmas. Your Mommy and Daddy may come, too; in fact, we'd like that just fine.

P.S. You did a good job posing for your daddy's book, and your mommy did a great job writing it!