Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Rush rush rush

I will be away for most of the day in what we like to call "The Black Hole." This is due to the fact that communication is nigh impossible there, up on the mountain that is. All I have to say today is...

JASON! COME HOMMMME!!!! We miss you and it's time now. Yes it's time. I need my love and Luka needs his Papi. No more scampering about another country praying for people (just kidding). Scamper your way back to us and stay put because we need your awesomeness around. Oh, and bathing Luka is a LOT easier with four hands. Having someone to help with the dishes doesn't hurt either...or to share diaper duty...or slobber wiping...or, you know, just everything we do is not as fun if not shared with you mi amor, so know we will be waiting on the porch with arms spread wide. Yeah, Luka can do that now...


grace said...

What a CUTE kid, Sarah!!! :) From Tia Grace "Hola Luka, como estas? ti amo bibito" (baby talk)