Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Nick of time

This post made it right under the wire but you will notice that I did post today. Or, um, tonight, and I'll also point out that for the sake of my love for all you dear readers, I'm am slicing away at my precious sleep hours. Now you KNOW I deeply care for you.

Let's see, what can I offer your reading eyes...The reason for my posting absence this afternoon is due to my being present in the middle of the jungle high up on a mountain preparing for another team that will grace us with their presence tomorrow. Poor Fanny, the lady that helps us maintain the retreat center was having to do most of the work herself this week, so I went up to make up all of the beds, tidy the hangout areas and blah blah blah blah....who cares right? Haha. OI'll bore you no more. You might be wishing right now that I hadn't posted today.

So to spice things up, I'll share an....interesting, yes, that's the word, wedding I went to Saturday. The ones being wed were a man, about 24 years old, and a woman whose age I do not know but to give you an idea, her oldest son is about 26 years old. This couple recently had a baby and decided to tie the knot in his honor. I applaud them for that, and I applaud the 26 year old son who is a very good friend of ours, and the BEST soccer player in this area, who has never been unkind to his 24-year-old step dad. And there you have it.


Momma said...

All I can say is, Wow....Never a dull moment for you there, Sarah.