Monday, July 06, 2009

Thought for the day

I think I have spoiled you lately with so many posts. This is not entirely a good thing because if once upon a future time I can’t post for a while you will become indignant. So please, from the bottom of my heart, just don’t ok?

A thought I would like you to intake is that maybe some of you have not directly heard from me for a while and for this my heart sinks. As most of you know, this is our busy (interpret: crazy, chaotic, insane, hardly ever at home-much-less-using-the-internet) time of the year due to all of the teams and Generation of Promise groups coming in that we host and take care of. This will last at least until mid August and maybe beyond, so I would appreciate a little slack in my direction. No, but seriously, I do appreciate the understanding of all my family and friends when I seem to drop off of the realm of existence. The thought I would like you to consider is that this very blog is meant for all of you, for your delight (or not, according to your reading taste =) and is my attempt at staying connected with you in some even miniscule way. So if you don’t hear from me directly for a while, pop on over to this little corner of the world wide web and know that my thoughts, pictures, ramblings, musings, etc., are for you, my beloved family, friends, and yes, even the lurkers that happen upon this site.

Luka’s on-the-go entertainment these days


Papo said...

WHERE'S THE KETCHUP? Just like his cousin, Anessa. Put them together and you'd have a toe jam jam session. ;>)

Love the LSU socks!!!


Uncle Steve said...

Geaux, Luka!!!