As promised, Luka’s new milestone: He eats food! You may be thinking, “Yes. So what? Don’t we all?” Well, no we don’t. At least he didn’t and now he does and let me tell you. He LOVES the stuff. The stuff consisting first of oat cereal, then avocado, then zucchini, then banana, then carrots. All spaced out, of course. I hadn’t told you before because we were dealing with the birthday frenzy and all that but that is the new news in our lives: What will Luka try next? It’s the big question of the day. He seems to be adjusting rather well to the new flavors and consistencies. He grunts and looks intently at me if I take a second too long to shovel a tiny bit more into his mouth so he must like it. He wasn’t a big fan of the spoon at first so I had to feed him with my finger, but he has gotten the hang of it by now.
Rather than buy nasty, disgusting (I mean, have you really ever enjoyed it, really?) gerber baby food, I have decided that when having the time to do so, I will make Luka’s food at home. This is the trick I have developed. Since making just enough for him to eat each day is too much trouble and way too hard to puree fine enough in small quantities, I have started making a lot of saaaay, carrots, pureeing it to the desired consistency, freezing it in an ice cube tray and then storing the cubes (which are the perfect meal size for him) in a zip lock bag. This keeps too much food from spoiling before he can eat it and makes it quite convenient to have his tasty momma-made meal ready to go. And there you have it! Thank you all for the loving well wishes you all sent me yesterday! it was a lovely, lovely day.

Mi Luka hermoso ya probando las esquisiteses de su mami.
Que bueno que comienses a probar formas faciles en que sea bueno para ti y El.
Un saludo grande a Jason y besitos parati y el luka dale muchos en su cuellito y sus piesitos.
Happy Birthday, Beautiful Princess Sarah!!!
May the Holy Lion of Judah bless you and keep you and bring you wisdom and peace and joy all year!
Your picture is framed and posted on the refrigerator here in Florida. Joy and I share space in this photo taken on the porch of the second pastors' house in July. Thank you for your hospitality to so many people this summer, but to Bob and me in particular. You have the ability to make us feel important and loved, and that's good. Besides that, you feed us! You are an excellent chef and friend and mom and wife and lovely lady! Of course your creative husband pulled the best joke of the season on us, when he whispered news of the arrival of the ministry of health's inspector, but you would never do something like that! Thank you for welcoming us into your circle of friends. We love you! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Love, Jane Branham
Huele bastante diferente cuando cambias pañales, ba? Ufa-pufale!
Just wait until you can fix him his carrots in juice form. Now, that's even easier! Yummy with pineapple juice! What a cutie!!!! What a GOOD mommy!
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