Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Much ado about somethings

So what was all the fuss about this past weekend of which I held you in suspense? We hosted our first pastors and ministers retreat at the Refuge!!!! The. Very. First. One. Woop woop. Jason and I, the three interns we are working with (Josh, otherwise known as Yoshi, Michael and Kelsey) and the new family that is working here with us, the Cartys, invited a group of people who live off on a pretty desolate island. By desolate I mean there is no electricity, no stores, no modernity, but plenty of bugs. Mosquitoes, to be precise. What they do have is a faithful pastor who obeyed God's clear call to move there and minister to the 70 or so people that call the island home. He answered that call seven years ago and has patiently taught the truth of God without much encouragement, money, or helping hands from others. Somehow he has a cell phone that tries to work and was able to very, and I mean very last minute work up a time and way to bring himself and seven other people to our Refugio Solte for the weekend. At first I was nervous and a little bit intimidated by the fact that we, a ragamuffin little group of people were responsible for providing the accommodations, activities and teaching for these people. And that we only had a few days to prepare for them. Nyang nyang nyang (nail nibbling). But we got together one fine afternoon and began praying, asking God to reveal to us what He wanted to do for them and teach him. We went around the table sharing what we believed we heard from the Lord and whattaya know? It all went together like warm cookies and cold milk. Interpret: the Lord gave us all like mindedness. The idea was simple. Keep it simple. Love them deeply. Teach them about their inheritance with Christ, the value God places over them, their sonship with the Father. Wash their feet. Have fun with them. Let them rest and be renewed. Teach them about body life and giftings. Pray for them. They are not a forgotten people. Love them. Love them. Love them.
And so we did. Their simplicity was refreshing. There was no expectation of some grand program or schedule. This happens to be a good thing since we didn't have a grand program any way. Funny how God works that out. = ) They simply received whatever God was giving them and us with gratitude and joy. The last night we spent hours praying over each one at a time and boy did God do some work! Many were delivered from past hurts, encouraged to overcome hardships or obstacles, one woman was healed of pain in one of her legs, a couple was restored and will be getting married soon (they have five grown up children), some were given specific visions, others received prophecy. All wept. All were encouraged. But by far my favorite moment was when that pastor was loved on, probably for the first time. I felt prompted to encourage the little group to embrace their pastor and thank him for his faithfulness to the Lord. All of them wept over him, all of them hugged him, some apopligized to him for past offenses and all of them thanked him for his love for them and faithfulness in heading God's call and serving them. It was a beautiful moment! Praise God!
Now that you are probably cross-eyed from so much reading, I will continue with the proof. But not before saying this: Dave and Joy we MISSED YOU! This is the best that I can offer you in sharing with you the first fruits of your faithfulness to the Lord. It has begun...

Kelsey, Yoshi and Michael washing feet.

Jason washing Fanny's feet.

Diego and Fanny were a part of everything we did as well. It was so nice to finally be able to include them in the first teachings in Spanish.

The Pastor receiving encouragement

Colossians 1:3-6

"Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim His salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all people" - Psalm 96:2-3

Luka Leon getting some luvin

Rub a dub pot.

It really doesn't get much cuter than that. And I typed much so that all you other proud parents can squeeze your "cuter" in too.


david said...

The way I see it, you have the right to say "it doesn't get ANY cuter than that"

Cuentista said...

Wow, what an amazing blessing. The first retreat! That mountainside refuge is a special, special place. I knew that the first time I stepped onto the ledge and looked over the cliff into the mist. May this be the beginning of an ongoing place of celebration for God's people to come to love and to encourage, to be loved, and to be encouraged. Hallelujah. Amen.

p.s. Luka is SO stinkin' cute in that pot!!!