Sunday, September 06, 2009

The great outdoors

The weather, though hottttt, has been pretty the last few days. Jason got a hankering for fresh lemonade and, as there is a lemon tree across from our yard, he made some. To celebrate the occasion, because as many of you know Jason would rather be locked up in stocks than step a toenail into the kitchen, I spread a sheet out onto the grass beside our house, a small blanket on top of that for extra softness for the Wee, and we sipped away al fresco. A bright, slightly damaged butterfly perched itself next to us and we admired it. I was able to take a few successful pictures of Little Piece of Sunshine and Luka Leon before he tried to reach over and destroy her. Thankfully I caught his hand in time. My instincs are already getting some good practice. *wink*

And in even more exciting news, Luka sits up on his own now! He has been doing this for about a week and a half and we are loving this new trick. Sit up on his own = he can play easier and entertain himself longer now which means I can get more stuff done while he is still having a blast. Oh the possibilities of a new view point in life! He can see more. Wheeee!!!

Peek-a-boo is a hilarious game too, apparently. I have been hiding behind a door and popping out at him and he giggles and belly laughs in delight. One fine day when we finally are able to get high speed internet, I will upload some videos...sigh...

Luka and Little Piece of Sunshine

LPS and her slightly damaged wing. Have you ever thought of a butterfly as a "he?" If you were a "he" LPS, I apologize. You looked like a "she."

I love my awesome lemonade maker.

Aaaand, the lovely outing soon turned into a Wee mess. Luka meets dirt.

Our turquoise house. Yes. Turquoise.
Like our lemon grass? It makes the best fresh tea.

Luka Leon and, um...Leon.
Imagine the sound he was making, something like a low raspy voiced aoaoaoaoa.

Heh heh.

We later went for a stroll and I transported LPS to the stroller. She rode with Luka almost all the way to the beach, where we went to check out a festival that was going on.

Mah Boys. I heart them.


Papo said...

Q, thanks for the wonderful updates...makes us wish we were there. However, the pics and thots go a long way to quench that longing in our hearts.

Pray for me...I'm tired of PAIN!!!

Love, Dad

Moma said...

Me, too. Can't wait to see you all at Thanksgiving.

Laura Ganoza said...

Hey Sarah, I saw that you have a lemon grass plant! It's really great for cooking, specially for marinating fish and seafood.
Just blend the lemon grass with olive oil, salt + pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice, strain it and if its too thick just add a bit of water, and done! So if you have tilapia or shrimp, just dip it in the mix for a few minutes, and cook any way you like. It tastes much better if its grilled. Hope you enjoy it. :)