Sunday, September 13, 2009

Breeze of Change

As you can see, some things have changed around here. One thing that hasn't changed much is how busy we've been, which might imply why I haven't been posting as much lately but I have another new reason for that. Jason is back and writing again! Yep, yep. He has redone his blog too (copycat) and has stolen my writing and posting material. I had planned on telling you all about some cool treasure hunting, and had also planned on sharing the cutest video ever with you. But Jason's and my telepathy must be on point these days because he beat me to it. All of it. Even some pictures. Hpmh. So instead of boring you with a much better written version of my own, I'll just send you on over to enjoy his posts instead. Click on the bold words above to access his posts.
All joking aside, I think you have done a great job on your blog mi amor, and I am glad you are gracing us again with your writing. You are a great writer! Te amo. Kiss. Kiss kiss kiss.

And now, since I have nothing better to post about, check out this sight we found the need to capture before passing around so that we could actually get to where we were going in a timely manner. Hah. Ha ha ha.

How gentleman-like