Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bath Routine

Considering our topsy turvy lives, we don't keep much of a strict routine with Luka. You know, just the usual meals, naps and stuff. There is an approximate time all of this takes place, but I'm not gonna cry if his eyes don't droop for the last time by nine o' clock sharp. I figure when he's sleepy he'll sleep. When he's hungry he'll eat, and when he's bored he'll play. Add he does. But the one "routine" we always follow is bath time. He looooves bath time. This is the one thing that unless circumstances interrupt, Jason and I do with Luka together. We have it down to a science. I strip the Wee while Jason gets the water ready. I pull out his bath related thingies while Jason soaps up the washcloth. I wash his hair while Jason pours water on him and scrubs his upper body. Jason holds him up while I scrub his lower body. Jason pours the remaining water on him just for fun while I get his towel. Jason holds the towel up while I pull Luka out of the water and into Papi's arms. Jason takes him to his room and dries him off while I but the bath thingies away.....and so on. The grand finale is a last chance at nursing for the day and some sweet kisses from us both and he's done in. He. Loves. It. We. Love. Him.


Moma T. said...

Life o' Riley...He'll really thank you one day for preserving his privacy when his girlfriends ask to look at his baby photos. ;-)