Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Aaaagh! It is late again and my head is about to drop flat on these shiny new keys. But I know, I know. I promised a post a day and so to prove to you my faithfulness here you are then. A few more pictures. Is it just me or do the pictures look more pixilated than before? Please leave a comment and let me know if they look fine or need improvement.

In case you have not noticed, I point out to you that a lot of the pictures of Luka are of him outdoors perched up on a sheet over the grass. It has been an unusually hot "winter" this year, and so when the time permits, we trek our way out the door and onto the grass, under the shades of several mango trees (which are quite needy, I must mention, of having their mounds of fallen leaves raked more often than should really be necessary) and we enjoy the hints of breeze that try to move our way. Luka loves going outside and it makes him sleepy enough to take a good nap, so you know I'll be taking him out every chance I get. *wink*

Here is one such occasion.

Sitting high atop my knees bouncing up and down. The boy loves this.

Nothing like playing with Tupperware. Hey, if it entertains, it makes it to the play mat.

Excuse me, I have something to say. I love you Momma.
Awwwww. Sweet boy.


A random shot of Luka being loved on my our friends, the Ekenroths.